The Environmental Benefits of Using Timber Packaging

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Hiring Industrial Equipment Hello! My name is Rob and I live in a small town which is located about 50 miles outside of Sydney. Now and again, I like to visit my brother who works at an industrial plant in the city. When I visit him, my brother lets me into his office and gives me tours around the plant. They produce all kinds of cool things using the tools they have there. However, I recently learnt they didn't always own the things they needed to complete the job and would instead hire them. I learnt all kinds of cool things about hiring industrial equipment. Although I don't work in the industry, I wanted to share what I had learnt with the rest of the world.



Whether you're transporting goods by road or air, choosing the right material has a positive impact on the environment. While timber packaging doesn't always spring to mind when making your packaging choices, it's worth considering the environmental benefits of using it before opting for another material.

Timber packaging is easy to reuse

In a world where transporting goods in the air is increasingly more common, it's important to find ways to take an eco-friendly approach to shipping. Timber is a simple material to recycle. While other forms of packaging are easy to reuse, such as plastic, it's not as easy to recycle them and create a bespoke box for the next user.

In addition, timber packaging is often biodegradable. Once it reaches the end of its shelf life, it'll cause less harm to the environment than materials that take hundreds of years to waste away. As such, you don't have to worry about your business ventures leaving a lasting impression for the wrong reasons.

It's lightweight, which means better fuel economy

Timber packaging is one of the few solutions that's both lightweight and robust. This provides peace of mind for you and your business in two ways:

  • It'll encase your products neatly, protecting them from harm in transit
  • It places less pressure on the aircraft or vehicle it travels in, which means they use less fuel

This is especially important when you're transporting your goods as cargo. One of the International Air Transport Association's goals is to improve fuel economy by 1.5% per year. When you use lighter packaging, such as timber, you help to contribute to that figure.

You're battling bacteria too

Compared to other materials, wood is less likely to harbour toxins and viruses. In addition, it usually has antibacterial properties. This is especially important when transporting food, as you need to ensure it remains hygienic for use by the consumers it arrives with.

In terms of environmental benefits, this means your timber packaging has fewer ill-effects on others if a disposal company burns it. For example, fewer toxins and bacterial by-products means less chance of having a harmful impact on someone's lungs, as well as the nearby eco-system.

If you're still unsure as to whether timber is right for you, chat with a packaging specialist. With a quick consultation, you may figure out whether it's appropriate for your product. If you do choose timber, you can send your goods off knowing that you're selection is environmentally sound. 

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